
The statement

The exhibition « Family Script » is the result of the 9-months project “Yet in Exile” that took place in India and Tibet in 2006 and 2007. The intention of the project itself comes from a simple and basic humanistic idea: The re-union of family. But there are many reasons in History and Politics that have been avoiding this to happen for many Tibetans in exile. Through the action of carrying video messages from Tibetan refugees in India to their families which are still living in Tibet, the project was intended to unclose the present situation of the Tibetan people. Controversial and political as it might seem, the issue of Tibet is considered through this art project under a human point of view. Surpassing the political context, the photography and video exhibition « Family Script » should show the urgency of reunion as the expression of Love; a universal feeling that everybody shares. So as to testify on the fact that the “Sino-Tibetan” issue is not a “domestic” or singular affair which concerns only the Tibetans and the Chinese, but it is about Humanity as a whole.

「家書」是一個攝影與錄像裝置的展覽 , 是「仍在流亡」這一計劃的總結。於印度與西藏進行了九個月的拍攝 , 帶著流亡人士向家人的問候與訴說思鄉之情的錄像記錄 , 走到位於西藏郊區最偏遠的小村子裡尋找他們的家人 , 動機很簡單又很基本 , 就是追求親情的再團聚。但種種歷史與政治的因素卻使很多在外流亡的西藏難民不能回家與家人相見。西藏問題似乎是很敏感複雜的主題 , 但這計劃希望能以一個人性的角度去考慮 , 越過政治為人帶來的障礙。「家書」這展覽所要展示的是要求團聚的急切性 , 是親情與愛的一種純粹表現 , 每個人都能明白與分享 , 用以揭示西藏不是一個國家內單一的事件 , 不只關於中國人與西藏人的問題 , 而是關乎人性作為一個整體的問題。

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