
The Tibetan project yet in exile.

Still here, but not for long; they have been telling themselves this since the last twenty years.
These Tibetan refugees whom I met in the Handicraft Centre of Dharamsala are all women, when they arrived in India they were not more than adolescents. And today, they are all mothers of some children.
Hope and courage, because of this they left their hometown, eastern Tibet of the Chamdo province. When I asked them why they left, they all answered with the same kind of simplicity that they just wanted to see the Dalai Lama. Now that they did, they said that they were happy.

I have no idea how to measure their happiness from seeing the Dalai Lama and I wonder if it was really worth the risk of leaving their home forever. I did not dare to ask. In fact the situation was obvious when I saw the longing through their eyes.

Mama is getting older, they told me with a simple smile. Then they looked at their children, saying that so they are. Then I asked what do they wish now, they answered, go back to Tibet, go see the family.

I was aware to the fact that as a Chinese passport holder, I do not need a visa to enter Tibet, so I set forth the idea of me going to Tibet, and bring there messages. I can film them with my camera then I can go find their families and show these videos to them back home. And on my return, I can also show the videos filmed from there.

They all loved the idea.

So I go on with my camera. Finding them at home with their children on a Sunday afternoon, I invited them to sit and talk to the family through the camera. They all took it so simply but seriously, changing themselves into the traditional Tibetan dresses they just sat there, in front of the view finder. Most of the time they didn’t talk at all, they just sang. And when their children were crying their voices dry to sing Tibetan songs to their grandpa and grandma, these mothers showed nothing more than genuine pride. And when they looked at me through the camera, thinking of their families, I knew their trust and confidence will bring me far.

Now with these beautiful moments taped, I am setting out for Tibet.
And when I will be back, I shall have the other half.
The English classes at the Women Handicraft Center, Dharamsala.




我不知道她們當時的心態是怎樣,心理準備得充不充足等,但事實是她們的這麼一去,就是二十多年的離鄉背井,家裡的爸爸、媽媽、兄弟、姊妹,於二十年前的這麼一別,就再沒有見過面。回家的可能性 ? 天知道。


我再問她們那麼現在的希望是什麼 ?
都只有一個答案 : 回去看看老家。
西藏是否該獨立 ? 達賴喇嘛是否犯了煽動罪 ? 中國是否獨裁 ?


於是我想到了一個辦法,很簡單。她們的家人好久沒見過她們了,祖父母們連孫兒長得多大也沒親眼見到過,會讀書了吧 ? 精靈嗎 ? 為了替他們搭一個橋樑,我請她們在我的攝影機前和西藏的家人說一些她們想說的話,又讓孩子們對著鏡頭唱歌。





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